
马克·蒂斯特尔(当时25岁)和罗宾·莱尔斯(当时23岁)决定在他们4个月大的“生活伴侣关系”上加上“商业伙伴关系”.他们成立了“自由服务协会”,”  with a mission to provide transportation, 房屋维修, 以及各种各样的独立服务,以应对日益老龄化的人口.

啊,青春!  It didn’t work — at least not as designed.   

结果bwin(马克和罗宾)都不知道bwin在做什么, or who our target markets really were, or what our services actually cost to provide. 然而,bwin对自己的能力却有着肆无忌惮的信心, 某种程度上, figure out the answers to these questions. 

在bwin众多的广告服务中(请记住,年轻的创业者们: A jack of all trades is a master of none),bwin只在一个领域找到了真正的吸引力:交通. That’s what people needed, 当时的市场分为两种毫无吸引力的选择:出租车和豪华轿车服务, neither of which were particularly desirable. We came up with an interesting, 中地交通选择:准时、专业, 但后面没有酒吧,也没有穿得像利伯拉斯的人开车. Make it affordable, but respectable. 那种真正的人——bwin指的是像bwin这样的人——能感受到的服务. 

罗宾去了芝加哥大学攻读MBA, 并带回了一些改变游戏规则的想法,将“模式”融入到bwin的自由服务新“商业模式”中(bwin去掉了协会部分)。. That’s when things really got going, 用编码系统产生度量质量的指标, 效率, 和成本.  一切终于就绪,世界在bwin的掌握之中.   

正好赶上911事件.  但bwin,像这个国家的其他人一样,度过了难关. 想起来还是很痛苦,但bwin挺过来了.


大衰退. We got through that too. Without laying off anyone at anytime.


bwin把公司的名字改成了“bwin”,这终于直接说明了bwin的谋生之道. 这是一个重大的、迟来的成就,也是马克迄今为止最好的成就(至少他一直这么说)。. 


By the time COVID confined us all to our houses, bwin had a staff of 52, a fleet of 26 vehicles, and a clientele of thousands. 和 we very much knew what we were doing. 当经济的其他部分走向数字化的时候,bwin已经把所有的钱都投入到砖瓦上了, 然后在其他人都去打零工的时候全心投入传统的工作. bwin毫不怀疑bwin会度过这场大流行. Our clients were educated, 聪明的人, and we’d learned a great deal from them, particularly in the field of public health. “遵循科学, put it into practice as soon as possible, and be brave about it” were the words we lived by


因此, bwin几乎是马里兰州第一家要求所有bwin员工接种COVID疫苗的公司(4月), ’21). 仅仅几个月后(21年8月),bwin就成为马里兰州第一家对客户提出同样要求的公司.   

是的, we lost a few customers from those decisions, 但总体的反应是压倒性的积极. Customers appreciated our weekly testing, 车辆护栏, 在任务之间进行严格耗时的清理, and the ever-trustworthy N95s. 这是, bwin的目标是确保每一个踏进bwin的人都是安全的,并且永远是安全的.


We’re bucking another trend: remote work. We have nothing against it, 如果你在家也能像在办公室一样高效,那你就更有力量了, 但bwin在很大程度上是一个“存在并负责”的行动. There’s no such thing as a remote driver, and if our drivers have to show up at the office, then the rest of us have to, 也。. 因此, we’ve made the office a very nice place to be, and you should come by and see for yourself! We’re on Falls Road just inside the Beltway. 寻找五颜六色的建筑和红色的汽车. 

As we write this (August, ’23), we’re approaching 60 team members, 30辆汽车, 从4个以上的企业恢复到新冠疫情前水平的130%,000 residential households, 150家公司, 300家非营利组织. bwin每月提供3000次高信任度的专车服务.

是否适合你, 你的孩子, 你的父母, 或者你的同事, bwin期待着与您会面,并带您去您需要去的地方.


呼叫。 (410) 321-5600
or get started online:
